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Safety Guide

The Otago Harbour Cycleway loop is an easy 2 1/2 hour loop.  It is all asphalted and there is only a couple of slight uphills which are easy on an e-bike. 

Please be aware of others using the cycleway.  Stay on the left, as much as you can.

If you need mechanical help, please call us on :  021 118 1192.

Remember your front wheel will go where your eyes are looking - don't look at the obstacle; look at the space beside it.  There are one or two spots which feel a bit narrower, if you feel uncertain stop and walk the bike through.

Your handlebar bag contains an emergency kit and a card with the local emergency number.

To get from Portobello back to Port Chalmers (or the other way) you will need to catch the Port to port ferry service.  We recommend pre-booking this service. (Ph. 020 416 24250,  The crossing will add approx. 20mins to your total time.

Always ride at a pace that you feel comfortable at. If others in your party want to go faster don't try and keep up with them, there's only one cyclepath, you won't get lost.

If you feel as though you're pushing too hard try upping your power level or changing gear.  You don't need to keep the power down to save the battery! You've got plenty to get around the Harbour.

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